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Chapter 7: The Dragon Gets a Name

George finally names the creature even though he isn’t entirely sure if it’s Max or not or if it’s a boy or a girl or neither a boy nor a girl or possibly both. I went through several names before choosing “Lorne”. It’s Max’s middle name in the story. It is related to the middle name of my father (a very decent human). The McDougalls (my father’s middle name comes from them) were the “Lords of Lorne”. Lorne is also, apparently, more common a name in Canada than in most places. I like Canada, take it for all and all. (For some reason I thought it was the middle name of Dr. Peter Bryce as well. It’s not, but I thought that when choosing ‘Lorne’.)

The point is that the dragon represents decency to George and Lorne seemed like a decent name to me. The other point is that I overthink names sometimes. The other other point is that I hope you enjoy the episode.