George desperately wants to avenge Max’s death. But is that what Max himself would want? Does it matter what Max wants now that George has Johnny where he wants him? Johnny forces George to confront these questions. No matter how George answers, he’s going to lose something. And he will never get back his brother. Not in the way that he wants.
That’s the good news.
George does achieve his goal. He does confront Johnny. There’s always a cost to getting what you want, in life and in storytelling. That’s expected.
Betrayal isn’t always part of this loss.
But it will be for George.
George finally confronts Johnny about Max’s death, but it does not go as he’d hoped. Lorne and the “damsel” go missing.
A Dragon for George is a pretty darned friendly novel about a twelve-year-old boy and his pet dragon who may or may not be from another dimension.
Narrative comedy, for lovers of laugh-out-loud literature (or “lololl’s” for short). A mix of novels (chapter by chapter), short stories, and theatrical shows to help you laugh along with the human condition.
Sonnet for Spring Sonnet Contest Winner Tara Travis. Listen closely. The first letter of each line spells Tara's chosen phrase: ”Y O U 'R E S O A W E S O M E”.